love yourself
love the earth
This experiment is an incredible way to see how your emotions can impact all living things! The Earth is a living, breathing body that deserves the same loving kindness that you do. When we choose to love ourselves and others, our earth can heal! Join the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) experiment today! Here, you and your crew can practice expressing positives emotions toward our earth and each other as we get ready to close out the school year.
With just a few minutes each day, over the next few weeks, you'll see with your own eyes what the power of love can do to change the world around you. Use each video below to help guide your experiment. All you need to get started are 2 small bowls, paper, a marker, rice and water.
This is a simple experiment for home or school that all children can enjoy! Get ready to explore the answers to the following questions:
#1 What happens when we ignore our fears?
#2 Why should we be kind to ourselves and others?
#3 How do your loving thoughts, words and actions impact matter?
Are You Ready?
Let's Begin!
Video #1
Video #2
week one
check-in video:
APRIL 29th
Be sure to add your comments below!
stay tuned for the week two
check-in video:
MAY 6th
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week two check-in video:
Hi there gang! Use the comment section below to encourage your kids to discuss Earth Day and share what's happening during your experiment.